12 sept 2012


Wogaboo offers more than just Spanish food
One of the best things about Madrid is that, as well as being able to find the most typical cuisines, you can find the best food from the whole world over. And the great thing about Wogaboo, is that you can find all of this great cuisine as well as spanish food in one place. An example for you, have you ever imagined having more than 100 different types of pasta to choose from? You can combine them as you so wish with, perhaps, some Asian food as appetisers and even a small plate of Spanish food to follow, or viceversa! Also as if that wasn't enough, there is the offer of free Mojitos all night, every thursday night. Be careful though, we have class on Friday!

There are plenty around Madrid, so I'm sure there will be a Wogaboo close to where you want to go!

You are spoilt for choice with all the cuisine available at Wogaboo!
Author: Blanca

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