Spanish Level A1
Spanish lesson 1: Regular Verbs (1st conjugation)
Spanish lesson 2: Regular Verbs (2nd conjugation)
Spanish lesson 3: Regular Verbs (3rd conjugation)
Spanish lesson 4: "Ser" Verb
Spanish lesson 5: Verb "Estar"
Spanish lesson 6: Difference between "Ser" and "Estar"
Spanish lesson 7: Pronominal Verbs
Spanish lesson 8: Intensity
Spanish lesson 9: Preferences
Spanish Level A2
Spanish lesson 1: Future Simple (Regular verbs)
Spanish lesson 2: Future Simple (Irregular verbs)
Spanish lesson 3: Future Simple (Uses)
Spanish lesson 4: Time Clauses (Indicative mode)
Spanish lesson 5: Time Connectors (Infinitive)
Spanish Level B1
Spanish lesson 1: Time Connectors (Mientras, mientras tanto)
Spanish lesson 2: Time Connectors (With subjunctive)
Spanish Level B2
Spanish lesson 3: Reported Speech (General changes)
Spanish lesson 4: Reported Speech (Changes interrogative sentences)
Spanish lesson 5: Reported Speech (Cambios tempos verbales)
Spanish lesson 6: Reported Speech (Examples)
Spanish Level C1
Spanish lesson 1: Conjunctions (Con, con que, conque)
Spanish lesson 2: Conjunctions (Siempre que)
Spanish lesson 3: Conjunctions (De modo que)
Spanish lesson 4: Conjunctions (Mientras)
Spanish lesson 5: Conjunctions (Como)
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ResponderEliminarBuenos días! I found your videos on Spanish pretty useful. I want to use them in my school to teach my students Spanish. If only you don't have any issue with that.
Hi Junu,
EliminarPlease do use them. I am glad you find them useful. Thank you so much for the feedback.